Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We Can't Take Freedom For Granted

I think it is the nature of most blogs to “preach to the choir,” since the most likely visitors to a blog will be those who are interested in its topic already.  The audience for a blog on American freedoms is bound to be small at this point, because the fact is, many Americans have not felt the actual sting of injustice, have not felt their rights trampled upon by others (and that’s a good thing).  The result is that many Americans take their freedoms for granted, and so rarely think about what those freedoms are (and that’s a bad thing).  It has wisely been said that, until you are affected by something, you just don’t really think about it.

Personally, I had taken my freedoms for granted for most of my life; I had been apolitical for most of my life.  It wasn’t until my parental rights were suddenly and substantially violated in 2005 that I came to a rude awakening: ignorance of my rights, my freedom, my liberty, is dangerous to me.  Ignorance makes me vulnerable.  It was a very scary time in my life, and I had to learn quickly in my efforts to restore my rights as a parent.

If you’re reading this post, chances are you have an interest in its topic – freedom.  If you’d like, I’d invite you to “share with the class” how you became interested in the concept of liberty, or freedom, or human rights.  What has affected you and caused you to think?

And to those who are visiting here because one of your FB friends just started a new blog and you’re being polite (gotcha!), and maybe you’ve never really had to think much about your freedom, I would invite you to revisit some of the legislation that has been passed in recent years in the name of “national security” and see if you can’t identify some unprecedented threats to your liberty – and I mean YOUR personal liberty.  Though nothing may have happened yet and you still live your daily life as you always have, just remember the story of the frog in the slowly heating water.  Wouldn’t it be tragic if you only recognized the need for change after it was too late?


  1. the greatest gift that freedom offers is for it's people to openly discuss and debate the things that effect our lives, and to make changes to the injustices that are done to us. But as you have said Kurt, there are things going on in this country right now, which are try to erode that fundamental, right to simply say "hey Mr. government man I don't like what you are doing' so stop it" we are being told every day that around every corner is the "boogeyman" and that the only way to protect ourselves is to let our government do it for us. That, as my father used to say is a bunch of hooey. unless we start to stand up against these unjust laws and stop letting the political machine run over us, one day as you say we might wake up to find that the only freedom we have is the freedom to do as we are told. And I for one will not lay idle and wait for that day to happen.
