Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Roots of Our Problems, Part 2

Problem No. 2: Fear.

It's so easy to be afraid, and so easy to adjust to living in that state until you hardly notice it.

Someday, when you are on your deathbed (assuming that Fate grants you the luxury), I hope you will not look back and look at a whole list of things that you knew you should have done but were held back by fear: fear of standing out among your peers, friends, or family.  I hope there are not a lot of things that would cause you to think, "You know, if I had the chance to do or say that right now, I wouldn't hesitate.  How foolish that I didn't take the opportunity then.  What was I protecting?  Just my ego."  (Of course, I'm talking about doing or saying good, constructive things, not blowing up a bridge or something insane like that.)

We are here for such a brief visit, and then the rest of history will be written without us.  If there is something you would like to see change in this world for the better, why not decide to be the agent of that change?  Why wait for someone else to come along and tackle it?  Maybe it's supposed to be you!  Susan B. Anthony never saw the change she fought for realized in her lifetime, but we commend her for making the struggle - she strove to do something about it, and paved the way for those who would follow.  Even if the change you seek looks insurmountable, why let that keep you from at least trying?  If nothing else, your effort makes a statement - and you never know who you might inspire or influence down the road.

Say no to fear and give that person the constructive criticism they need, or write to that Senator or CEO and voice your complaint, or plant a tree.  Use that sense of humor to benefit others, give the encouraging smile and pat on the back, take the unpopular stand if you think it's the right one, challenge the mundane thinking that surrounds us.  If you were on your deathbed looking back at all the things you might have done, in your mind you would see an active you, unhesitating, unashamed, vibrant - you would see you living

So get busy!  Make hay while the sun shines!  Look ahead in your mind to "dying you" and give yourself a "thumbs up"!  "Look at me doing the things that dying me would have wished I'd done.  But now there will be no wishing on that day.  Just a sense of satisfaction that I did it - or at least tried!"  That's the way we want to go out.  Satisfaction - not regrets.

Don't live your life as a slave to fear.