Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Freedom Has No Ties To Racism And Fear

This is a blog in which the central theme is freedom.  True, the majority of posts deal with the taxation of earned income which, to me, is more a liberty issue than a government revenue issue.  But, considering that broader, central theme of freedom, have you ever wondered why this blog is not filled with links to, and articles from, so-called "freedom" websites?  Have you ever visited some of those websites?

Once in a while, I'll come across a link to an article from some "Libertarian" or "free-thinking" or "freedom" website, and I'll click to read the article.  Sometimes the article in and of itself is good and worthwhile (IMO), but then I start looking around at the rest of the site.  And what do I see?

I see an underlying racism.  I see fear.  I see extremism.  I see paranoia.  And I see a lot of commercial interests trying to make a buck off of that fear.

Truth to tell, none of those things have anything to do with freedom (ding!  ding!  ding!  ding!  ding!).  If one is really interested in freedom, one cannot be interested in holding to racist ideas.  Fear and paranoia have nothing to do with freedom.  And extremism binds one to a very narrow outlook on just about everything.  A narrow mind is not free.

Fear and paranoia should not be a substitute for vigilance.  Extremism should not replace reason.  Racism should not be mistaken for true brotherhood.

So, having read such-and-so article on said "freedom" website, I move on as if I'd never been there.

And that is why this blog has no links to other freedom loving websites, and no advertisements from manufacturers of backyard bomb shelters.

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