This Onion article is funny, yet, as you read about the potential havoc that is about to be wreaked on this fictional young man by the IRS, I hope you will consider how very real and dark and unnecessary it all is.
A self-employed person. Leave him alone
and let him earn his living. |
Liberals, as much as you portray yourselves as caring about how people are treated - or left alone - by government, why the averted eye when it comes to how revenue is collected? The IRS and state revenue agencies have
destroyed lives through the enforcement of the income tax, but that's okay, I guess. Ever read about people owing tens of thousands in back taxes on the sales tax or any kind of consumption tax? Ever? Ever read about people having to pay late fees and interest on missed sales taxes? Ever read of someone having their car or home or bank accounts seized to collect on consumption taxes from three years ago? Ever hear of someone going to prison - having their family ripped apart - for sales tax evasion? Nope. And you likely never will.
Conservatives, did you know there is no valid connection between patriotism and the income tax? Sure, a lot of companies like Liberty Tax use good ol' American icons in their logos and advertising, like bald eagles and the Flag and the Statue of Liberty and portraits of Ben Franklin, but does putting a picture and an idea together necessarily mean that those two things are connected?
9/11 |
If you suddenly find yourself wanting to throw Flipper into Guantanamo, well, let's just say you're not a very deep thinker.
So, I hope you enjoyed the Onion article, but I hope you will give the issue of taxing our earned income some thought beyond what you might be accustomed to.
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