[All paragraphs in quotes, except for the one
quoting the IRS, come from Runaway
Slaves: Rebels On the Plantation, by John Hope Franklin and Loren
Schweninger. Oxford University Press,
“It is true that some slaves eagerly awaited being
hired out [to employers other than their masters] because they were given
special privileges or permitted to keep a portion of their earnings…[H]owever,
there was displeasure. They were in a
better position than other slaves to see the direct connection between work and
wages. Those who collected their own
earnings and turned them over to their owners must have felt a special pain to
see the value of their labor going to their owner’s comfort. As a consequence, hirelings, including some
of the most talented and skilled, ran away…Although whites were often unsure
why hired slaves ran away, blacks were more certain: Why should their earnings
be expropriated? Why were they not
permitted to keep a portion of their wages?
If they were permitted to keep a part of their earnings, why were they
not allowed to keep enough to provide more for their families?”
So, those of you who were reading this blog back in October/November
know that I put up the white flag so the IRS couldn’t throw me in prison and
rip my family apart. I brought myself
into “compliance” by filing the returns I had missed. My lone exercise in civil disobedience came
to a quiet end. The IRS reviewed my
rather dismal earnings from the past year and asked (sheepishly, I would add)
if I could maybe try to pay $50 a month toward my arrearages, which add up to a
year’s worth of middle-income wages. I
agreed to start paying in December, and awaited the letter in the mail that
would formally spell out our agreement. In
November, I received letters from the IRS stating that my past due taxes were
due, in full, in 30 days. Recently, I received letters containing
language that should make the heart of any proud American beat a little faster,
that should make citizens of the Land of the Free stand a little taller:
“Intent to
seize your property or rights to property.
Amount due immediately. As we
notified you before, our records show you have unpaid taxes…If you don’t call
us immediately or pay the amount by [such-and-so date], we may seize (‘levy’)
any state tax refund to which you’re entitled and apply it to the amount you
owe. If you still have an outstanding
balance after we seize any state tax refund, we may take possession of your
other property or your rights to property…Property includes: wages, real estate
commissions, and other income; bank accounts; business assets; personal assets
(including your car and home); Social Security benefits…If you don’t pay your
tax debt, we have the right to seize (‘levy’) your property.”
Honestly, does this sound like something the working
and poor classes, people who live week-to-week and month-to-month, drafted and voted to subject themselves to? Or does this sound like something the
powerful elite put in place to milk, oh, I don’t know…who do you think? Who told the slave whether or not he could
keep some of his earnings? Other
slaves? Or did he voluntarily fork over
all or some of his earnings for the sake of his master’s “general welfare”? Pull your head out.
“…[M]any planters and farmers felt that severe
chastisement, especially for running away [running toward freedom], was the best deterrent. That would teach slaves to be humble and
Taking your property or even your rights to
property; taking your car or home; throwing you in prison (read: tearing you
away from your family) if you fail to file returns – that’s some pretty severe
chastisement they’ve got lined up for us, wouldn’t you say? Does it work?
Does it keep you humble and
obedient? As much as I hate to say it,
they got me back in line.
I made so little money this first year back from
deployment that I actually qualify for free legal aid. I am taking advantage of this help to try to
get into what is called “non-collectible status” with the IRS. This will mean the end of collection activities until my financial situation has improved.
Then, when it has improved, they’ll be back to make sure it doesn’t
improve too much. “My God,” they must say to themselves, “what
will become of this country if Henning is allowed to breathe a little easier?”
All this money they want to collect from me, that
they seem so desperate for – the assumption is that I didn’t actually need it
for myself and my kids. If that is the
case, then where is all the unneeded stuff I bought with it? I spent every penny. Where is the surplus food and gas I
bought? Where is the second apartment
I’m paying rent on? Where are the
closets and dressers full of clothes whose tags have yet to be removed? Where is my savings account? I rent a one-bedroom apartment in a
lower-middle class neighborhood. I can’t
afford a two-bedroom, or even a one-bedroom with a balcony (which I’d
love). Meanwhile, over 100,000 high and
very high income families paid zero income taxes in 2011, yet the IRS doesn’t
seem to miss the millions of dollars that represents because those people and
their CPA’s and lawyers knew which t’s to cross and i’s to dot. Free pass, no problem. The IRS will pass on millions and millions of
dollars to come after my tens of thousands (a drop in the bucket) like a hound after
a fox. And yet we revere the income tax
because it means “everyone will pay their fair share” (er...with some exceptions, so
strike “everyone”…oh, and “fair”).
So, I point out the problem without offering
solutions. I believe that a consumption
tax of some kind is the answer. I do not right now wholeheartedly endorse the
Fair Tax or a VAT tax or whatever. If
my lack of solutions disappoints you, if you think I should be coming up with the answers since
I’ve bothered to say that something needs fixing, then I have a confession and
a proposal for you.
I confess that I am not the smartest person in the
world. There are many people on this earth
far more intelligent than me. And, so, I
propose that if you (the average American) took half of the time you spend watching
TV and spent that time trying to come up with solutions to this problem, you might be the very person who figures
it out! And why not? But we’ll never know if you don’t apply
yourself. If I see there is something
wrong with my home’s electrical system, must
I be the one to fix it? Why not call on
people who are smarter than me and avoid setting my apartment
building on fire? No, I’m perfectly
comfortable pointing out a problem without knowing the fix.
I’m also quite comfortable with being looked down
upon by the “true believers” of the income tax.
I am used to people asking me how I’d like to see our civilization
crumble before my eyes if the income tax were to go away. How would I like it if we had no more police,
firefighters, a military, schools, roads, etc.?
Oh, you mean all those things we had before
we had the income tax? How would I like
it if the poor had to carry more of the burden through a consumption tax? First, show me how the federal consumption
taxes created the lower class over a
hundred years ago. Second, explain to me
how the poor were being forced to
purchase foreign goods and certain items produced here such as tobacco and
whiskey. There were very few things
being taxed in order to supply what was a very full U.S. Treasury over a century ago, and the
poor could choose whether or not to buy those items without imperiling their lives. Why couldn’t some type of modern consumption
tax follow or even improve upon that model?
“Again and again, slave owners used the same word to
describe runaways: ungrateful. They had
been treated well and humanely; they had been given proper food and clothing;
they had been well housed and provided with other necessities; their families
had been kept together. Yet, at the
first opportunity they had set out on their own.”
Let’s all learn to be ungrateful for the income tax. Let’s stop believing that we must have
threats of the severest punishments hanging over us as soon as we – what,
infringe on someone else’s rights? No,
as soon as we step out to earn our living.
Let’s stop believing that we can only support the “Land of the Free” by having the money we sweat for taken by force, like a hired out slave. Let’s learn to abandon the propaganda
regarding the income tax that has been pounded into our heads since we can
remember. Let. It. Go.
“‘Every measure that may lessen the dependence of a
Slave on his master ought to be opposed, as tending toward dangerous
consequences,’ a group of South Carolina slaveholders declared in 1816.”
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