The quest for freedom includes struggles on more than one front. There is economic freedom, religious freedom, freedom of ideas, political freedom, etc.
I would just like to point out that religious freedom includes the freedom to not be religious, the freedom to not follow religious doctrines. This does not give anyone license to harm others - there is nothing particularly religious when it comes to refraining from killing or stealing from your neighbor. That's just common sense - that's just getting along with folks.
The choice to not be religious also does not automatically mean that one chooses to be anti-religion. I am personally no longer a religious person, but I am not categorically against religion. I am only against what people do in the name of their religion which harms other people. I am against liberty loving (so-called), flag waving people when they strive to impose their religious views on civil society. It is hypocrisy to claim to love liberty and at the same time try to dictate who gets to enjoy it. There is no such thing as dictated liberty.
One last thought: accepting that people outside of your religious beliefs and practices are free to live their lives without your approval does not mean you have forsaken your religion. It only means that you have learned to discern between religious and civil affairs.
Amen Brother (irony intended)