Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fighting For That Levy To Be Lifted Before Friday

I’ll tell you, you never think of concepts such as freedom and liberty so much as when you stand in an IRS office (as I just did) in front of a bunch of strangers and fight for the money you’ve earned and that you depend on to make ends meet.  But you think of freedom and liberty as something you’re longing for, not as something you’re experiencing.

When was the last time you thought about your little toe?  Probably the last time you stubbed it on the leg of a chair.  You see, it’s kind of mean for me to keep harping on something that you experience only as a slight annoyance, or worse, a patriotic duty.  You don’t feel the income tax the way I feel it, so many of you just shake your head trying to understand the strength of my convictions.  You don’t feel the weight of the chain, or you misunderstand the chain of the income tax as something that benignly binds you to society – like a membership fee.

I would love to have a bunch of readers who are already a part of the choir and just preach to them and hear them say “Amen!” and “We’re with you!” and “I totally agree!”  I would love that validation.  I would love to have a strong following of “believers” who just eat up what I’m saying.  But I’d just be spinning my wheels at that point.  It’s better right now to speak to the skeptics, to the people who still hold on to beliefs that they hold dear without having examined them closely.  I’d rather be talking to the “average” American who really does think that our country would cave in on itself if the income tax were to go away.  I want to get people thinking who haven’t thought a lot about it.  I used to be skeptical when I heard what I brushed off as “tax protester” rhetoric (and some of that rhetoric I still steer clear of because it seems to emanate from a lot of nut jobs).  But, just like the Apostle Paul, the strongest advocates of a cause are often those who opposed it at first.

I want people who have only experienced the income tax as that bit of money they see taken from their monthly paychecks to learn to look at it with disgust.  I want them to understand what they’re really looking at and what it really means.  I want the average 9-to-5 wage earners to get a clue and lead the charge to bring down this tyrannical form of taxation once and for all.  And it doesn’t even have to start here in America – I have readers in Russia, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Germany, Canada, etc.  The movement may start overseas and work its way here (that’s actually how the income tax started – in Europe).

Go back and read what I’ve written before, and read what’s coming.  And think.  For goodness’ sake, none of this will mean anything if you don’t take time to think.

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